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Run Experiment Trial Settings

Run Experiment Trial Settings

These settings are used to set the timeouts for running an experiment/subject and to enable options for displaying/processing of trials/charts/data during or after the experiment.


o Start Timeout (For tablet & mouse Only): Maximum time from beginning of the trial until a pen down occurs.

EXAMPLE: If the start time is 10 seconds and the subject does not put the pen on the tablet within 10 seconds from the beginning of the trial, a prompt appears asking if the trial should be redone. You can click 'yes' and continue with the same trial.

o Recording timeout (For tablet & mouse Only): Maximum time from the beginning of the trial after which the recording automatically stops, ignoring all other factors.

EXAMPLE: If the recording time is 10 seconds, then the recording will stop after 10 seconds have been recorded.

o Pen-Lift Timeout (For tablet Only): Maximum time that the pen can be above the tablet without ending the trial.

EXAMPLE: If the pen-lift time is 3 seconds and the subject lifts the pen away from the tablet for more than 3 seconds after the recording starts, the recording of that trial stops and the next trial automatically starts.

NOTE: If the pen is lifted too far away from the tablet, the program remains idle until the pen is brought near the tablet. To avoid this, it is advisable to lift the pen only a little, e.g., within 1 cm from the tablet.

o Trial-to-trial timeout: The time interval between two consecutive trials in seconds. The default value is zero, which makes the next trial to start immediately after the pen-up time of the current trial is reached.

o Maximize recording area: This option enables the recording window to be maximized during the whole recording process. This default option is recommended to assure constant screen layout during the experiment.

o Process immediately after recording: This option tells the program to process each trial automatically after it is recorded. This default option is recommended as is allows the user to monitor the trials while recording, for example, during practice trials.

o Make recording window real size/Maximize recording window: The first option makes the size of the recording window equal to the value specified in the Input device settings (Settings > Select input device > tablet width and height). This option is useful to display the targets in real size on the computer monitor screen.

The second option maximizes the recording window to fit to the display, leaving out the left tree window and main menu of MovAlyZeR.

NSHelp: Run Experiment Procedure SettingsRun Experiment Charting SettingsRun Experiment Summ/AnalysisRun Experiment View DataTrials



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