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Viewing Trials

Viewing Numerical Data

This is a common topic for MovAlyzeR, GripAlyzeR & ScriptAlyzeR. These programs will be referred to as MovAlyzeR on this page.

View Numerical Data from the collected trials.

* Data files Description

* Description of listed parameters

Time functions file

Segmentation file

Extract File

Consistency Error File

Consistent Data File

Discontinuities File

Word Extraction Data File

Data files Description



How to view


Raw data per trial


Right click on the trial > View Numerical Data > View Raw Data

The raw data shows the x, y and z position per sampling point in three columns, including the pen-up points. The z-coordinate for the pen-up points will be zero.

Raw data per trial


Right click on the trial > View Numerical Data > View Raw Data

The raw data shows the x (Lower grip), y (Upper grip) and z (Load force) data of the sampling points in three columns.

Processed data per trial


Right click on the trial > View Numerical Data > View Processed Data

View Time Function (TF) Data shows the numerical and calibrated time functions and several important parameters.

Segment data per trial


Right click on the trial > View Numerical Data > View Segment Data

Displays the number of segmentation points and the time (sec) at which they occur.

Extracted data per trial


Right click on the trial > View Numerical Data > View Extracted Data...

View Extract File shows the sequence of extracted features for each trial and segment (stroke = 1 segment, for no submovement and = 3 segments with submovement - MovAlyzeR ONLY).

Note: This file contains details of all the trials of the same condition as the trial being viewed. Navigate by trial number.

Consistency errors per trial


Right click on the trial > View Numerical Data > View Consistency Error Data

View Error File shows the reason for a consistency error compared to the target movement. The criteria can be set in the Stroke Description when creating the experiment conditions.

Note: This file contains details for all the trials in the same condition as trial being viewed. Navigate by trial #.

Consistent data per condition


Right click on any trial for that condition > View Numerical Data > View Consistency Data

Consistent data file shows the same information as the .EXT feature extraction file only for trials that passed consistency checking.

To view the data corresponding to all the good trials per condition, go to Experiment settings for that experiment > Summarize > Select the subjects and then open the .CON file.

Note: This file will contain details for all the trials in the same condition as trial being viewed. Navigate by trial #.

Discontinuities per trial


Right click on trial > View Numerical Data > View Discontinuities

Discontinuity is a sudden jump in the recorded data. The jump can be in time or distance between samples.

Word Extraction data per condition


Right click on trial from which words were extracted > View Numerical Data > View Word Extraction Data

Word Extraction can be used to automatically extract individual words from longer handwriting paragraphs. The .WRD file has the following format

Word number: Sample numbers in original .HWR file | Reason for being detected as a new word


Description of listed parameters

Time functions (.TF) file

Parameter Listed Description
sec Time between individual samples in seconds as set by Right-click particular Experiment >Experiment Settings > Processing > Time Function settings
prsmin The minimum pen pressure that determines whether the pen is lifted or the pen is down.
beta Counterclockwise rotation angle in radians (automatic unrotation till vertical upward direction or fixed angle rotation).
x(cm), y(cm) x and y position samples
z Axial pen-to-paper pressure
x, y, z (Newton)
Lower Grip/Upper Grip and Load force values respectively for every sample
V_Spectrum, V_Spectrum-Filtered Frequency spectrum of the velocity before and after filtering using the low-pass filter frequency. The velocity spectrum is used rather than the position spectrum to enhance the visibility of the high-frequency part.
A_Spectrum The acceleration spectrum is the velocity spectrum multiplied by 2*pi*frequency. Therefore the higher frequencies are becoming more visible. The unit is cm/s**2. The amplitude is the average absolute acceleration of the movement pattern.
vx(cm/s), vy(cm/s), vabs(cm/s) x, y and absolute velocity (first time derivative)
ax(cm/s**2), ay(cm/s**2) x and y acceleration (second time derivative)
jx(cm/s**3), jy(cm/s**3), jabs(cm/s**3) x, y and absolute jerk (cm/s**3) (third time derivative)

Segment (.SEG) File

Parameter Listed Description

# tvyzero

Number of segmentation points and the time in sec at which each point occurs.

The time in seconds corresponding to the zero-crossing velocity points.

# tayzero
(MovAlyzeR ONLY)

Number of submovement points and the time in sec at which each point occurs.

If you do a sub-movement analysis, there is another set of data for the sub-movement points. The sub-movement points correspond to the point after the peak velocity for a segment.

(GripAlyzeR ONLY)

Always shows five segmentation points. The load force as a function of time is segmented into 4 phases or strokes ( 5 segmentation points)

Refer to segmentation procedure for detailed description of the segmentation method

o NOTE: Submovement analysis option can be chosen by Experiment Settings for an experiment > Processing > Segmentation > Submovement analysis (in MovAlyzeR ONLY).

Extract (.EXT) File

Segment features in each column are (MovAlyzeR and ScriptAlyzeR):

Features per stroke Listed Description
Trial Trial number
Segment Stroke/Segment number within that trial, for analysis without and with submovement respectively. (NOTE: submovement analysis only available in MovAlyzeR)

Start time relative to the start of the recording  

Start time is the start time per stroke, that is the time in seconds from the beginning of the recording (= Sample 0) till the beginning of the stroke (= Beginning segmentation point). StartTime together with Duration of the stroke will tell when exactly the stroke was performed. When setting the start of the recording at any rate, the recording will being when the imperative stimulus begins. StartTime of Stroke 1 is Reaction Time (RT).

Duration Time interval (sec) between the first and last samples in a stroke
StartVerticalPosition  Vertical start position relative to the lower edge of the active digitizer area 
VerticalSize  Vertical vector difference between beginning and end of a stroke
PeakVerticalVelocity Maximum of vertical velocity values 
PeakVerticalAcceleration  Maximum value of vertical acceleration values 
StartHorizontalPosition Horizontal start position relative to the lower edge of the active digitizer area 
HorizontalSize   Horizontal vector difference between begin and end of a stroke

Straightness error or the normalized standard deviation from a straight line. The estimation is calculated as follows:

~ Estimate the length of the straight line [cm]
~ Fit a straight line
~ Estimate the (perpendicular) distances of each point to the fitted line [cm]
~ Estimate the standard deviation of the distances [cm]
~ Divide by the length of the line between begin and end [cm]

FORMULA: StraightErr = (1/length) * sqrt (Sum (y(t) - yd(t))**2 / N)

REFERENCE: Contreras-Vidal, J.L., Teulings, H.L., & Stelmach, G.E. (1998). Elderly subjects are impaired in spatial coordination in fine motor control. Acta Psychologica, 100, 25-35.

Slant  Direction from beginning point to endpoint in radians

Surface or the area of the loop enclosed by the previous and present stroke in cm**2. The surface is not normalized. If the the crossing does not occur within the previous stroke, although a loop has been formed, the loop area will be zero.

So, if within an apparent loop a segmentation point is detected, the loop may fail to be detected. If data are insufficiently filtered, extremely small loops are sometimes detected where no loops should be detected. This feature can be verified by measuring (in cm on paper) the long and the short axes of ellipse-like loops. The loop area should be 3.1416 * (0.5 * short axis) * (0.5 * long axis).

RelativeInitialSlant  Departure of the direction during the first 80 ms relative to the slant of the entire stroke 
RelativeTimeToPeakVerticalVelocity  Ratio of the time duration at which the maximum peak velocity occurs (from start time) to the total duration

Ratio of penup duration to total duration

The value ranges from 0 to 1. 0 corresponds to no pendown and 1 corresponds to all pendown and the values in between show the ratio.

RelativeDurationOfPrimary The ratio of primary submovement duration to the total duration. If total duration is 0, this value is set to 0.0001
RelativeSizeOfPrimary The ratio of the vertical size of the primary submovement to the vertical size of total movement. If total size is 0, this value is set to 0.0001
FrequencyOfSecondary This value is set to 1 if a nonzero secondary submovement is detected in a stroke, otherwise shows a value 0.0001. The average yields the frequency of a secundary submovement per stroke.
AbsoluteSize Absolute size of a stroke/segment calculated from the vertical and horizontal sizes.
AverageAbsoluteVelocity Average absolute velocity across all samples of a stroke or segment
AbsoluteJerk The Root Mean Square (RMS) value of absolute jerk across all samples of a stroke or segment

Dysfluency measure, theoretically independent of stroke duration and size and marginally dependent upon stroke shape. Normalization can only be done per stroke and is not meaningful for multiple strokes or for submovements. Normalized Jerk is unitless as it is normalized for stroke duration and size. It is primarily meant for goal-directed movements but can also be applied in repetitive, reciprocal strokes, drawing stroke sequences, or handwriting stroke sequences. Strokes can be segmented by vertical/tangential velocity zero crossings or by absolute velocity minima at points of sharp curvature. Normalized jerk is dependent upon the choice of the low-pass filter. Normalized jerk increases with increasing duration because the limited-bandwidth motor system has more options to generate dysfluencies. A maximally smooth, straight harmonic strokes yield a value of 7.75 (pi**3/2**2) and perfectly circular, constant-velocity strokes yield a value of 10.96 (pi**3/2**1.5).

o Lowpass filter, estimate velocity [cm/s] and jerk [cm/s**3]
o Segment into stroke from from near-zero velocity to the next near-zero velocity
o Estimate stroke size [cm]
o Estimate stroke duration [s]
o Squared jerk[cm**2/s**6]
o Integrate over time [cm**2/s**5]
o Divide by distance**2
o Multiply by duration**5
o Square root (to reduce dynamic range and to make it proportional with jerk).
o Divide by 2 (convention)

FORMULA: sqrt (0.5 * Sum (jerk(t)**2) * duration**5 / length**2).

o Stroke Duration
o Number of acceleration peaks per stroke
o Frequency of secondary submovement per stroke
o Relative duration of secondary submovement
o Relative size of secondary submovement

REFERENCE: Teulings, H.L., Contreras-Vidal, J.L., Stelmach, G.E., and Adler, C.H. (1997). Coordination of fingers, wrist, and arm in Parkinsonian handwriting. Experimental Neurology, 146, 159-170. 

Score Relevant only for trials imported from WritAlyzeR, that have not been reprocessed. Shows the running scores obtained per trial during the handwriting practice.
Number of peak acceleration points Number of acceleration peaks both upgoing and downgoing in a stroke, which are above the acceleration level corresponding to "Min. velocity of 1st/last stroke (rel. to abs. peak)", set in experiment settings.
Average pen pressure Average of pen pressure (Z) values over a stroke

Segment features in each column are (GripAlyzeR):

Features per stroke Listed Description
Trial Trial Number
Segment Stroke/Segment number within that trial
StartTime  Start time of the relative to the start of the recording  
Duration Duration per phase (in seconds)
UpperGrip/LowerGripForceSlope  Slope of LowerGrip versus UpperGrip forces
UpperLoad/LowerGripForceSlope Slope of LowerGrip versus Load forces 
UpperLoad/UpperGripForceSlope Slope of UpperGrip versus Load forces
UpperGrip/LowerGripForceCorrelation Correlation of LowerGrip versus UpperGrip forces
UpperLoad/LowerGripForceCorrelation Correlation of LowerGrip versus Load forces
UpperLoad/UpperGripForceCorrelation Correlation of UpperGrip versus Load forces
UpperGrip/LowerGripForceChangeSlope Correlation of the first time derivatives of LowerGrip versus UpperGrip forces
UpperLoad/LowerGripForceChangeSlope Correlation of the first time derivatives of LowerGrip versus Load forces
UpperLoad/UpperGripForceChangeSlope Correlation of the first time derivatives of UpperGrip versus Load forces
UpperGrip/LowerGripLinearityError Straightness Error of LowerGrip versus UpperGrip forces
UpperLoad/LowerGripForceLinearityError Straightness Error of LowerGrip versus Load forces
UpperLoad/UpperGripForceLinearityError Straightness Error of UpperGrip versus Load forces
Uppergrip/LowerGrip/LoadforceLinearityError Straightness Error in 3D space of LowerGrip, UpperGrip, and Load forces

Consistency Error (.ERR) File

The resulting .ERR file shows the following information:

Parameter Listed Description
Trial Trial number
Error Type Category of error encountered (e.g., target_error)

'OK' if the trial is good

Otherwise, reason for which the trial was discarded.

Consistent data (.CON) File

The resulting .con file shows the extracted data (from .EXT file above), only for the trials that are approved as correct (green check beside trial, trials that have failed consistency checking have a red check mark).

The file has only the results of the last approved trial, after the data is processed. Data for all the trials is available only after the summarization is performed on the experiment.




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