Glossary Item Box

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Element Appearance

Element Appearance

In the Appearance tab, choose aspects such as color of target and text.


If the element is defined as a target, the following properties can be uniquely set for the main/initial target, Successful target and Incorrect target. Refer Stimulus elements as interactive targets.

o Line Appearance, Line color, Fill color: Defines the size of the border, border color and fill color for a rectangle border or the line if using a line as target.

o Text Appearance: You can have text displayed inside the target. You can have a single character or a whole sentence like 'I am the first target'.

o Font: All fonts, sizes, font-, fill-, line-colors can be selected for the text. The default font size is 10.

Examples of element sizes and comparable text font

The following table gives an estimate of the various dimensions that could be used:

Height or Diameter (cm) 1/2 Length of Y (cm) Text Processor Font Size (0.025 cm/point) Stimulus Element Font Size (0.0166 cm/point) Maximum Stimulus Element Font Size (0.0166 cm/point)
0.1 0.05 4 6 5
0.2* 0.1* 8 12 10*
0.4 0.2 16 24 20
0.8 0.4 32 48 40

NSHelp: StimuliStimulus EditorElementsElement PatternElement DimensionsElement ResultsElement Animation



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