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Movement Disorders, Parkinson's Disease, Micrographia, Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS), Dystonia, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, novel drug tests, movement exercise

After treatment, no further changes?

Neurologists treat patients with movement disorders, initially, to perform daily tasks. They use clinical observation scales and spiral drawings to document the condition of their patients. To detect the small, but significant, changes in the movement disorder resulting from medication changes, new treatments, physical exercise or progression of the disease, accurate movement-measurement systems are needed, but most are large, complex and costly.

MovAlyzeR in neurology

Automatically visualizing changes.

A small, cost-effective, high-accuracy pen tablet, can measure coordinated movements of the finger, wrist and arm. MovAlyzeR® software automatically evaluates writing patterns and spiral drawings for amplitude, speed, accuracy, variability and Pullman et al.'s (1998) Degree of Severity. Archimedes spirals, previously drawn on paper, can be scanned and processed by MovAlyzeR.

MovAlyzeR - Movement Analysis Software

MovAlyzeRx™ offers an efficient user interface for testing patients, and is included with MovAlyzeR.

Video Demonstrations of MovAlyzeR® Example Tests and Features

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Example Test: WR_. Scan Archimedes spirals from paper and analyze as movement sequence.
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Example Test: TRE. Measuring both active and at-rest tremor via circles and holding the pen still over a designated point.
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